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Overcoming temptation

Whatever you allow yourself to think, you are building a bridge, a possibility, for it to happen.

Whether it is eating that whole chocolate, drinking that pill, smoking that cigarette, saying those words or something hurtful to someone, maybe allowing yourself to ‘cheat’ in your mind or whatever it is you allow in your mind - remember that all actions start with a thought.

Don’t fool yourself, you aren’t only allowing yourself to think it, you are preparing yourself to do it.

When we were little we had a game with mini cars where we had to build a long road at an angle, so that when we release the car at the top it completed the road with all the twists and turns you built. This weekend God really showed me the power of our thoughts. It is as if we are building that road/bridge and when the car (thought) comes it just automatically takes that road instead of stopping where there is no road.

Overcome temptation by not even thinking it. Don’t allow yourself to even just think it. When your mind goes in that direction, immediately stop and tell yourself no, I am a child of God. A daughter/son of the King. I live at a higher standard… whatever it is that you live by. But build the correct bridge, a bridge according to the Word and overcome that temptation.

♥ Living a life of faith


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