A couple of times I wanted to type the words “getting the Word out” on Whatsapp and each time I typed “getting the sword out”… and God started to speak to me, yet again, about the Word of God being our sword.
In church a while back, they asked us how many scriptures we know by heart? The verse and the location. 1 – yes, 3 - yes, 5… 10… 15? And by then everyone's hands were down.
But we know movies, the titles and the lead actors – we can even phrase certain parts of a movie. Or for the men - who know the rugby players, teams, and positions.
We are in a battle every day, (Eph 6:12) not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places - and the Word is our Sword.
How are we suppose to stand against the attacks of the enemy, if we only memorised 15 verses to fight with? (15 out of 31,102 verses = 0.048% of our Sword)
Let’s make it a priority to get to know the Word of God.
♥ Living a life of faith #livingalifeoffaith5