God showed me over the weekend that my mindset was mostly about “what others can do for me”. It sounds terrible, but that was what was going on in my head. Where someone can bless me or give me a prophetic word.
Instead of thinking like that (without even realizing it sometimes), I realized that I should rather start asking where I can bless or help someone. To always make myself available so that God can use me wherever He wants to. Instead of receiving, I should ask where I can give.
I am not talking about money, unless God puts it on your heart as well. We should make ourselves available so that God can use us where He wants to, in whatever way He wants to. A prophetic word, giving someone a word of encouragement, a hug… anything.
We should be His hands and feet. All we have to do, is to be available – He WILL use us and He will guide us. We don’t have to do anything else than be available and obedient. He will place a word, verse, picture or whatever it may be on our hearts and He will show us for who it is.
May we start changing the world one selfless act at a time.
♥ Living a life of faith