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Bye-bye 2018!

December has been quite a hectic month with a lot of changes, so I am sorry that I’ve been a bit quiet, but there is going to be a little more of that. I will be writing and sharing again in January 2019, after the holidays.

I am going to rest (especially from my computer and phone) before the new year starts and with that, a huge new season with a new job.

I pray that you would all have a blessed holiday and that it would be a fruitful, fun and happy time.

May we be thankful as we reflect on 2018, and expectant as we look towards 2019. God has big plans – so remember to spend time with Him, draw closer to Him and take time to ask and pray about 2019.

Have a blessed time with friends and family, and thank you so much for the support through the year. I appreciate your feedback, encouragement and testimonies so much!

Love and blessing from my side.

♥ Living a life of faith


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