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Let your purpose prioritise your life.

Today in a meeting our pastor said the above words. I am not sure who said it first, but it really spoke to me.

Let your purpose prioritise your life, your schedule, what you spend your time and energy on. And your money. We should be purpose driven, and purpose focused.

It is also in line with the piece I read this morning: Phil 3:12 (MSG) “…I run with passion (into His abundance) so that I may reach the PURPOSE that Jesus Christ has called me to fulfill and wants me to discover.“

Ask God what your purpose is, and then look at your life and your schedule and prioritise it accordingly. Are you focused on the ‘now’ things or the eternal things. The things that make you happy now, or what seems important now, or things greater than that?

Don’t miss out on living and fulfilling your purpose, it’s what you’ve been created for. We are all called to love, to make disciples, to do many things, but we also have a more specific purpose, a calling. Are you walking in yours? Are you purposefully pursuing it and prioritising it?

Sit down and talk to God about your priorities. Ask Him to show you and to help you with prioritising it, to know what is His purpose for you, what is most important and to show you where you are prioritising the wrong things than more important than they should be. Surrender your schedule, your daily doings to Him and ask His wisdom, vision and heart for it.

♥ Living a life of faith


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