All of us have a blueprint for our lives, already planned beforehand, BUT why aren’t we always walking in it?
Sin - the enemy has so much legal ground in our lives because of sin and it is our responsibility to ask God to show us where that legal ground is – to search our hearts so that we can deal with it and take back what the enemy has stolen. The goal is to walk in the FULLNESS of God’s plan for us and He has SO MUCH MORE in store for us than we can imagine.
I definitely don’t want to settle for less, do you? Are you satisfied with less than what is suppose to be yours? Let’s take a stand and take back what is already ours.
Father, I want to walk in the fullness of everything that is written in the blueprint for my life. Please show me where the enemy has legal right to steal and where he is preventing me from walking in that fullness. Amen
♥ Living a life of faith #livingalifeoffaith5