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Give God an open door to show you His perfect will (Part 8)

Updated: Jun 7, 2018

(…continued – part 8)

Give God an open door to show you His perfect will

I want to encourage you today, if you are reading this and you don’t know if the one you are with is THE one. Give God an open door to show you. Say to Him, “God – forgive me if I’ve chosen without looking to You for guidance. I give you an open door today to show me if this is my husband/wife. I surrender my boyfriend/girlfriend into Your hands (put him/her on the altar) for You to give back OR take away - according to Your perfect will. If it is not THE one for me, please show me, clearly.” BUT before you pray this prayer, first ask yourself, “Am I ready to be obedient to His answer?”

This can be applied to any situation in your life – friends, job, everything. Surrender and ask God’s will for EVERY situation and decision.

It is not necessarily easy to let go of our own will, BUT God’s plan is the BEST plan there will EVER be for us. Even if we can’t imagine our life without that specific person or job that is currently in our lives - even if you were ready to be a wife (talking about myself now) – or whatever your situation may be. (And maybe you won’t have to imagine your life without that person – but let God be the one to show you that). God knows, He knows you better than anyone else and He wants better for you than anyone else. He created us, we are His children, He so adores us – OF COURSE He just wants the best for us. Allow Him to give His ultimate best to you, for your life, job, relationship, etc. He placed certain desires in our heart for a reason, but that is a topic for another day. Make sure that you’re complete in Him and not trying to be complete in another person. Don’t make the mistake I did trying to fill my voids through my ex-fiancé (NOT EVEN REALIZING IT). Have God as your number one, be content in Him so that you don’t need someone else to make you feel worthy/wanted/etc. It’s a BIG lie and strategy of the enemy to convince us that we need to find our worth in worldly/fleshly things. Don’t allow your boyfriend/girlfriend to become an idol in your life, it happens so easily - I’ve been there many times. God wants to be our number one (in everything), let us allow Him to be… :)

Come back tomorrow for the last part, part 9…

(…to be continued)

♥ Living a life of faith


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