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I need to... love myself

Don’t feel good about yourself? Maybe you are struggling with your weight or like me, with your skin – but that is not who we are. Our beauty shines from within. When we know who we are in Christ, we are happy and content despite our circumstances or troubles, and that is what others see.

But what can we do to change how we feel and see ourselves? Let’s stop focusing on the negative and start thanking God for all the good things, everything we LIKE about ourselves. Then also, let’s thank Him for our healed skin or our slimming body… whatever we are struggling with. We should thank Him in advance and in that way, have faith in what we do not see YET.

There is so much power in our words and thoughts, we become them so be careful how you think and talk about yourself…

Let’s look to Our Heavenly Father today and see our reflection in His eyes. He made us each uniquely beautiful, we are so precious in His sight. He totally loves and adores us, and we should start loving ourselves too.

♥ Living a life of faith


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