If your father was the king, wouldn’t that have changed you? Changed the way you talked, dressed, acted? Changed the way you saw yourself? Changed the way you would’ve acted with authority?
Of course it would! Our Father is not only king, He is THE KING of kings. Therefore we should rise up in our authority in Him, we should know who we are in Him. We are royal and we should start living, walking, acting and speaking like royalty.
When I think about royalty, what comes to mind is that they care about their people, they always look and act respectable. Their lives are a resemblance of who they are, of their kingdom and its values – what it stands for. Shouldn’t ours be too?
Are we conducting ourselves in a royal way? Are we walking and talking like the royalty we are? Are we setting a good example of our King and Kingdom?
Do we even realise that we are THAT worthy – worthy to be called royal? Let’s put our ‘crowns’ on and take up our royal status.
♥ Living a life of faith