Ezekiel 36:26 …and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
In church they asked us if we have a heart of stone and if we have we can go for prayer. I know I don’t have a heart of stone, but what I did realise was that I had a few spots that were stone. In certain areas, or towards certain people, my heart has turned into stone (I’m not going to name names). I acknowledged it and asked God to give me a heart of flesh towards those certain people (knowing that I could impossibly change my own heart or do this on my own).
One of these people I have to see every day and really, my heart was turned into stone, BUT God is SO FAITHFUL and His Word is true! After that evening in church (we had an Ascension Day Service), my heart really did change towards this person. Completely and miraculously changed. God gave me a heart of flesh and things turned around completely.
I have grace, patience, mercy and can even do acts of kindness (with a glad heart). It’s really amazing!! But it is impossible to do on our own.
Maybe you have someone in your life towards whom your heart turned stone, and maybe you also didn’t realise it (like me). I am trusting that God will reveal it to you too and that you will work through it with Him. It’s really amazing and supernatural how He can change one’s heart, we just need to ask Him.
♥ Living a life of faith