This is very personal, but that is actually something that God started speaking to me about. I should be more personal and real... (How I see it – more open and vulnerable. I am not exactly sure how, but I think telling all of you that, is a start).
So once again after a break-up and a broken heart, which happened quite a while ago, I only NOW realised that I lost who I am through that. Once I started dating after being single for so long, I tried to be something for someone instead of just being myself. I lost the confident, bold, unapologetic ‘me’ that I was. I was sorted out and close to perfect in my own eyes (which is also not true LOL), but if you have no one challenging you for such a long time, no one pushing your buttons, you start thinking that (or I did).
So yesterday as I was ‘cleaning up’ I saw photos of myself back then and I longed to be ‘that me’ again. I longed to be that happy and okay with who I am, to be okay with being on photos. I want to be that ’me’ again who took time to paint her nails all glittery, who wore bold hair accessories and who knew who she is, regardless of my weight or whether I had perfect looking skin. I just loved myself… and I want that back.
I stopped loving and accepting myself, stopped being me and now I am on a mission to rediscover who I am in Christ.
I am royalty, I am a princess, I am loved and I am more than enough.
♥ Living a life of faith