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Be defined by God's thoughts about you

During worship I was playing a scenario in my head, yes I drift away sometimes, where I was thinking about seeing a specific person in church. It is one of those people that you only want to see when you are at your best, one of those you would like to ‘impress’.

As I was thinking about how I look, how I would react, thinking that at least I am ‘something’ here, this is ‘my domain’ – I realised how wrong that was. No matter what I wear, where I am or who I know, that means nothing – that is not where my confidence must come from. I should be comfortable being seen at my ‘worst’ and still be able to look anyone in the eye, because I know who I am. Being content and happy because of who God is in my life, and no other reason.

Just after all of that went through my head, we continued to the next song and we sang the following words “Your thoughts define me, You’re inside me…” – wow! Exactly and amen.

All that matters is that God is inside of us and what He thinks of us, that is what defines us. Not what we wear, where we work, who we know, our looks, talents, money – nothing.

May you be defined by His thoughts about you and may you know who you are, know your identity and find your confidence, because He lives inside of you.

♥ Living a life of faith


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