Lately I have been really, really busy and then, very rarely, I realise that I have an ‘off-evening’. That means - a evening when all my work is done early in the evening, when I have no get-togethers. Just a evening when I have a bit of time to myself before it’s bedtime.
BUT, just when I think NOW I get to have that time, something or someone happens.
What I realized yesterday was that it’s NOT my time. It’s God’s time and He can do with it what He pleases. It’s not wasted when someone needs me, or indirectly, needs Him. We are vessels for Him and He should be able to work through us any time of the day or night.
At our connect group this week we spoke about dying to ourselves and picking up our cross, and that is exactly what I should do. Die to MY time.
Instead of getting irritated or hasty we should be grateful that God wants to use us, He doesn’t need to. It is by His grace that He does. We should be open and available to Him every second of every day and our time should glorify Him.
May our time be His time. May we change our perspective, and with that, not get impatient, because it isn’t our time anyway – it is His. May we not complain or have a wrong attitude when we don’t get our “me time”, but may we be fully aware of when and how He wants to use us, and may we be WILLING and open to it.
♥ Living a life of faith