Earlier this year I realized that I was mad at God, that I was disappointed. It felt like He let me down, because of ONE thing that didn’t work out, that didn’t go as I thought it would.
At first I didn’t even realise I was mad and disappointed, but hearing the prayers coming out of my mouth, I realised it. It was prayers that came out of a hurt and bitter place.
Then, on Friday, I watched a YouTube video that really spoke some necessary truth into my life, or situation. The message that came across was the following:
Stop focusing so much on what you did or didn’t get. Maybe it’s not about what God wanted to do for you this year (or last year), but what He wants to do through you in the future. What went right? What did work out? Who did stay? How did He meet your needs? How did He come through?
It really hit me hard. I was being so selfish and small minded about it all, nevermind unthankful. God did SO much for me last year, SO much that I even held a thanksgiving/communion dinner to celebrate His goodness. Literally the weekend after the dinner, something unexpected happened that really just ‘pulled the carpet from underneath me”, and ever since I focused so much on that ONE thing that didn’t happen as I thought, while everything else went better than I could’ve imagined or asked.
God is so good, and He is in control. I am ashamed to admit how easy it is to lose sight of that and to just focus on the times that (we think) He didn’t come through for us.
May you know today that He is in control, even if it doesn’t feel like that, even if it hurts. Even if you have NO idea how your situation can turn around, how it all can work out, know that God is in control and He will do the impossible. Have faith and keep your eyes on everything that He has done, everyone that did stay and all the times He did come through. And those things that didn’t work out, surrender it in prayer and know that that was not the last chapter, some day we will understand and thank Him.
♥ Living a life of faith #livingalifeoffaith5