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God speaks through dreams

Updated: Jun 7, 2018

God speaks through dreams Waking up from a dream, still being super sleepy, knowing that you need to write that dream down now otherwise you will forget it.

But, how often do we go back to sleep and think (or hope) that we will remember the dream and then when we REALLY wake up we have no clue as to what we have dreamt.

God speaks to us in dreams and it is important to listen and react. To explore and study the dream to know what God is saying, what He wants to reveal to us. I use the Dream Dictionary written by Martin van der Merwe and whenever I cannot find something there, I just google the normal dictionary meaning and allow the Holy Spirit to really break it open then. It’s really amazing how sometimes (most of the times), I have no clue reading through the interpretation and definitions, but as soon as I start WRITING it all down, He reveals the deeper (hidden) meaning.

But, BEFORE all of that can happen we need to write our dreams down as soon as we wake up. I have failed many times to be obedient in doing that, so now I have a new strategy (one that brings me so much joy). I record myself on my cellphone while still half asleep, talking through the dream and tell it like I would to someone else and then later, when I am wide awake, I will listen to it - LAUGH A LOT ,because the sleepy me sounds really funny - and then start studying the meaning and message behind it.

Find a strategy that works for you, maybe sleep with a notebook and pen next to your bed, but never think that a dream is just a dream. God speaks to us through dreams even if it is the most ridiculous dream that seems to make no sense.

♥ Living a life of faith #livingalifeoffaith5


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