A choice (or the lack thereof) has the power to change your life, but not just yours, someone else’s too.
What you decide, and what you do, affect other people. Therefore, make sure that you pray about your decisions. Sometimes we don’t even realise that we are deciding things without consulting God. For example, if and when we want to get married, if we should date a specific person, how many children we want, etc. Do we include God in these decisions or do we do as we please?
God has ALL the answers, all the RIGHT answers, so let’s make sure that we acknowledge him in every decision (small & big).
God has a perfect will for us, a perfect plan, but He also gives us a choice (every day and with everything). Let’s choose wisely and glorify Him with each decision.
And may we realise and be aware of the impact our decisions have on the lives of people around us.
♥ Living a life of faith #livingalifeoffaith5