The JOY of the Lord is my strength
Have you ever woken up and really NOT feel it, not feeling excited or motivated for the day. I had a day like that this week and I decided that I was going to do everything I can to turn this around. I declared Neh 8:10, chose joy and declared it over my day. When we choose joy (or life), when we take a step of faith, God helps.
While getting ready for work I received a voicenote from a friend and when I replied I realized I was sounding ‘meh’ (which rubs off on people) and I then ended off with blessing her and her day. Instantly I felt lighter and wanted to smile, MY spirit lifted. Blessing others really blesses us more.
THEN another friend sent me a song with the words “I just had to”… I laughed out loud. We have this thing with honey at the moment and she sent me the (very old) song, “Byeboerwa - Carike Keuzenkamp”. It was obviously the Holy Spirit who prompt her to send me that song and it really unlocked joy.
The next time you feel a bit off, choose joy.
Listening to an old-, funny-, good-memory song, do a cartwheel, smile at everyone you walk past, eat chocolate or an ice-cream for breakfast, bless someone… whatever it takes. Let’s speak and declare joy, pray that God fills us with His joy AND also take a step and choose to find it in the small things.
♥ Living a life of faith #livingalifeoffaith5