On Sunday we sang the following lyrics “Fill us up, pour us out…” and I realised I am singing it, but I don’t really know what it means.
Of course we can read up about it or ask someone after the service and discuss it, but I realised I could ask the Holy Spirit and I did… and all of the sudden it made sense – isn’t He just amazing!
We really need to ask and rely on Him more, because a revelation from Him is one of the most amazing things ever. It becomes something that you can’t believe you didn’t know (so obvious) and you just know-that-you-know it to be true, something you can’t deny. It energises you and really builds faith and relationship with Him.
I realised that He fills us up, and when our cup is full then we can be poured out… and as the song continues, it says “for a broken world that is far from You”.
He wants to fill us up, so that He can use us as a vessel in this broken world that doesn’t know Him. Let’s make sure that we position ourselves every day to be filled with Him, so that when we need to give, we’re not empty.
♥ Living a life of faith