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Don't lose sight of God's promises...

We so easily focus on our tough circumstances, our struggles and we lose sight of what God told us. We lose sight of His promises, what He says in His word and who He is, His character.

Let’s just remind ourselves once again not to focus on the circumstances, on everything that is going wrong (according to us) or hurting, but let’s keep our eyes on Him. Is it so easy to lose sight of Him and that is when we get discouraged and lose our faith. We take our eyes off Him who makes all things possible and then everything will seem hopeless.

God will come through for each of us, maybe just not in our timing and the way we think, but He will. He loves us so much and therefore just wants the best for us. And unlike us, He knows what and who is best for us – and when.

Let’s surrender the confusion, surrender the hurt, uncertainty, fear or whatever your mountain is, and let’s focus on the One who can move mountains.

Let’s have a little faith…

♥ Living a life of faith



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