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God's promises aren't going to expire if it doesn't happen RIGHT NOW

In church someone testified about the year and all our man-made plans and goals, everything we want to accomplish in this year.

God’s timing isn’t limited to a calendar and so many times we are disappointed when we don’t accomplish what we hoped to accomplish in that year. Yes, it is important to have goals, but God has His own timing and His timing is perfect.

So what if you aren’t married, owning your own house, running a successful business by whatever age… time is irrelevant with God. A day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day. He can give you everything you are trusting for in an instant… but there is a reason that He doesn’t.

We easily expect and pray for something pinned to a calendar, and when it hasn’t happened by then we lose faith and hope. God isn’t limited by time, and when He gives us promises He doesn’t ad an expiry date. He can change our job description, income, relationship status, address - anything He wants to -instantly.

We need to start trusting and having faith without linking it to a date on a calendar. Let’s know and rest in the truth of His faithfulness and that everything we are trusting for will happen whenever it is suppose to as long as we keep our eyes on Him.

♥ Living a life of faith



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