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Not letting go...

Yesterday I spoke about letting go, but today I want to talk about the exact opposite. Not letting go.

Very often we want to let go of things, jobs or people when it gets tough or when it hurts, but sometimes we need to stick it out. Sometimes God needs us in those situations to make a difference, despite of how difficult it is. Sometimes we feel like pushing people away because it will hurt less or because it will be easier than facing the every day struggle.

God sometimes wants us to break down the walls of another person or to shine His light in a difficult work situation. Whatever the reason, sometimes we shouldn’t let go, even if we want to, and usually through that He wants to teach us something as well.

Sometimes we need to keep on loving, supporting, praying, encouraging, giving or whatever, even if we want to give up. God has a plan and a purpose why we need to hold on and not let go, so let’s keep our eyes on Him and let’s keep praying for strength, peace and wisdom in those situations.

♥ Living a life of faith



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