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You’re not overwhelmed, you are busy because you are blessed with opportunities

Lately I’ve been crazy busy, busy like I have NEVER been before.

In the midst of EVERYTHING, a friend shared the following with me, “You’re not overwhelmed, you are busy because you are blessed with opportunities”.

Wow, what a change of perspective. Rather than complaining, let’s start praising and thanking God. Rather than thinking about everything we still HAVE to do, let’s change our perspective and look at everything we GET to do. Let’s enjoy these seasons for what they are, let’s learn and grow, and let’s embrace and enjoy it!

Yes, some days may be more challenging than others, but let’s remember that God is with us every step of the way and He won’t entrust us with more than we can handle. Let’s remember to walk (I mean run), this journey WITH Him.

Let’s pray that He would equip us for the tasks at hand, that He would guide us and help us with our time management and to prioritize.

And very important – let’s remember to MAKE time to rest (and I am talking to myself here as well), at least once a week. Don’t forget about the ‘me-time’. Even God rested so we are definitely not above it.

May we make the best of every minute and may we not waste time on the wrong things. May every minute of your day be fruitful today!

♥ Living a life of faith



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