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Happy Mother's Day!

Today we are celebrating Mother’s Day, aka - our amazing mom’s and everything they do for us - but it doesn’t stop there...

We all know that our parents are there to raise us and look after us (and all the million other things they do), but do we ever stop and think what our responsibilities are towards them?

Just as a mother has a calling to be a mom and a wife/husband a calling to be a spouse, we also have a calling to be a daughter/son to our mom and dad.

God placed us with our parents for a reason, it wasn’t an accident. They have been given to us to raise us and be our parents – to play a very important role in our lives – and we have been given to

them for a reason too. We also have a call in their lives, a role to play.

Let’s remember that and be the daughter/son that God has called us to be. Let’s love and respect them, and let’s be attentive to how God wants to use us in their lives.

Let’s give our moms an extra long hug (or call if you aren’t with her today) and let’s make sure that they know how much we love and appreciate them.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mom’s!

♥ Living a life of faith


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