Last week I was meeting up with a friend, she mentioned that she was afraid to have her heart broken. With an urgency in my heart I answered that heartbreak is NOT from God, and in that moment I realised that my recent heartbreak wasn’t from God. (What a revelation… But, why did it happen then?)
In that same moment God dropped it in my Spirit that I shouldn’t have dated. It doesn’t matter if God shows you that someone is your husband or wife, if you love one another, or whatever reason you may have for wanting to date - if God doesn’t give you permission to pursue, then don’t.
The problem was that I didn’t even realise that it was something I had to ask, in my mind it was just the next step – the natural (or worldly) thing to do. Even though I was very determined to do it the right (God) way, I still missed it, because I didn’t seek God’s heart. It is like brushing your teeth in the morning, you don’t think about it, you just do it, because we have been programmed to do so.
It didn’t even cross my mind to ask God about dating, but now I realise that dating wasn’t the next step for me - building a friendship was.
Thankfully we serve a God who forgives (if we repent of our mistakes), and Who can restore any situation if we ask Him.
PS: If you want to take this further, you can ask the question, “Is dating from God?” “Is dating mentioned in the Bible?”.
♥ Living a life of faith