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"It is done"

This morning I woke up with the words ”It is done” and I realised, it IS done. Jesus has done it all, the ultimate sacrifice. Jesus DIED on the cross for each one of us and there is nothing more than anyone can or have to do. He paid the ultimate price.

May each of us remember and realise what He has done for us, TRULY realise what He has done, AND not just today, but EVERY day.

May our lives be forever changed because of what Jesus did on the cross. He died so that we can truly live – He overcame death!

May we live from a place of true gratefulness, live a life of praise and worship to Him, and may we live as the victorious sons & daughters that we are. He overcame everything when He died on the cross, we just need to walk in it now. Jesus paid the price so that we can be free, completely free, so let’s apply that truth to every aspect of our lives.

“Thank you” means so little when someone has done SO MUCH, but let’s just say “Thank You” again today, and every other day, as we remember what He has done for us. But let’s not just SAY ”Thank You”, let’s LIVE it as well.

♥ Living a life of faith #livingalifeoffaith5


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