“You are my LIFE
You are my LOVE
You are my REASON
You are my HOPE
You are my JOY
You are my PASSION
As I was listening to worship music, this song - “My All In All” by Phil Wickham - popped-up and it hit me hard and deep.
We long for the perfect marriage, partner, job, better circumstances, financial abundance. We are constantly looking for love, a reason to get up, hope for the future. We are looking for something we are passionate about, something to bring us joy or happiness and by doing that we are missing it completely, because JESUS is the answer.
He is our LIFE! HE is our love, our first love. Our reason for everything and our hope in everything. He is our joy and passion – Jesus is EVERYTHING that we are looking for in everything else (without even realising it).
Your husband/wife, or the person you are still trusting for, isn’t your “everything”. It’s a cute saying, but it distorts the truth. Jesus is our everything, He is our ALL in ALL.
If we aren’t going to find what we are looking for in Him, we are always going to be searching and striving with no lasting fulfilment.
♥ Living a life of faith