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You're not lost...

I’ve lost myself a bit at the beginning of the year and I’ve recently realised the reason why. I looked in the mirror and didn’t know who I was. It was a very scary and freaky place to be. I’ve now realised that it was partly because I lost my passion, my calling, what makes me ME – my “DNA”.

If you know me then you would know that I absolutely love LOVE. I love relationships, marriages, weddings and everything that goes with that - even clothing & accessories with hearts printed on them (ever since I was little). I have a passion for Kingdom marriages, and therefore the enemy will do EVERYTHING he can do to destroy that passion. He will do anything to keep us from walking in our callings, because he knows the danger for him if we do walk in it.

God has slowly started to show me my brokenness and hurt and I’ve chosen to allow Him to go ‘there’. To heal and restore, and with that He lighted that fire and passion within me again. He started giving revelation, prompted me to ask certain questions and it’s been amazing! I’ve forgotten how it felt to be me! I haven’t really realised what I’ve lost.

Then I heard a song on the radio and it immediately caught my attention. I searched for it and when I listened to it I realised with tears in my eyes that it was exactly how I felt ever since I rediscovered my passion.

“It feels like I've opened my eyes again

And the colours are golden and bright again

There's a song in my heart, I feel like I belong”

This is who I am and the fire within is bigger than ever! I am SO happy, I almost feel in love. In love with my calling and with God (and everything He is doing).

If you’ve lost your passion for some or other reason, may it be lit again. Maybe you don’t even realise that you’ve lost it.  My prayer is that God wil start rekindling it today.

♥ Living a life of faith


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